Top 10 Terraform Commands Every Developer Should Know

Are you a developer looking to deploy your infrastructure to the cloud? Do you want to automate your infrastructure deployment process? If yes, then Terraform is the tool for you! Terraform is an open-source tool that allows you to define and manage your infrastructure as code. It is a declarative language that allows you to describe your infrastructure in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

In this article, we will discuss the top 10 Terraform commands that every developer should know. These commands will help you get started with Terraform and automate your infrastructure deployment process.

1. terraform init

The first command that you need to know is terraform init. This command initializes a new or existing Terraform working directory. It downloads the required provider plugins and sets up the backend configuration. The backend configuration is where Terraform stores the state of your infrastructure. This command needs to be run only once per working directory.

2. terraform plan

The second command that you need to know is terraform plan. This command creates an execution plan for your infrastructure. It shows you what changes Terraform will make to your infrastructure when you apply the changes. This command is useful for verifying that your infrastructure changes are correct before you apply them.

3. terraform apply

The third command that you need to know is terraform apply. This command applies the changes to your infrastructure. It creates, modifies, or deletes the resources as per your configuration. This command is useful for automating your infrastructure deployment process.

4. terraform destroy

The fourth command that you need to know is terraform destroy. This command destroys the resources created by Terraform. It is useful for cleaning up your infrastructure after you are done with it. This command should be used with caution as it can delete your resources permanently.

5. terraform validate

The fifth command that you need to know is terraform validate. This command validates the syntax and configuration of your Terraform files. It checks for errors and warnings in your configuration files. This command is useful for catching errors before you apply the changes to your infrastructure.

6. terraform state

The sixth command that you need to know is terraform state. This command shows you the current state of your infrastructure. It is useful for debugging and troubleshooting your infrastructure. You can use this command to view the attributes of your resources and their dependencies.

7. terraform output

The seventh command that you need to know is terraform output. This command shows you the output values of your Terraform configuration. It is useful for retrieving the values of your resources that you can use in other parts of your infrastructure. You can use this command to retrieve the IP address of your EC2 instance or the DNS name of your load balancer.

8. terraform import

The eighth command that you need to know is terraform import. This command imports existing resources into your Terraform state. It is useful for managing resources that were not created by Terraform. You can use this command to import your existing EC2 instances or RDS databases into your Terraform state.

9. terraform graph

The ninth command that you need to know is terraform graph. This command generates a visual representation of your Terraform configuration. It shows you the dependencies between your resources and their relationships. You can use this command to understand the structure of your infrastructure and how it is connected.

10. terraform taint

The tenth command that you need to know is terraform taint. This command marks a resource as tainted. It forces Terraform to recreate the resource on the next terraform apply command. This command is useful for fixing resources that are in an inconsistent state or have been modified outside of Terraform.


In conclusion, Terraform is a powerful tool for automating your infrastructure deployment process. These top 10 Terraform commands will help you get started with Terraform and manage your infrastructure as code. With Terraform, you can easily create, modify, and delete your resources in the cloud. So, what are you waiting for? Start using Terraform today and see the benefits for yourself!

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